Names distinctive to Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

The list of names unique to the Plurinational State of Bolivia*

Female forenames

NameUniqueness Prevalence rank
1. Rosmery 37% 1.
2. Jhoselin 85% 4.
3. Marioly 93% 5.
4. Milenka 84% 8.
5. Jhenny 57% 6.
6. Jhovana 59% 7.
7. Yovana 20% 2.
8. Carlita 22% 3.
9. Danielita 60% 13.
10. Danitza 35% 9.
11. Verito 58% 15.
12. Jhaneth 81% 19.
13. Paolita 31% 11.
14. Rosmeri 28% 10.
15. Yobana 35% 14.
16. Santusa 28% 11.
17. Rossemary 77% 24.
18. Dalcy 69% 22.
19. Jhanet 53% 20.
20. Alejandrita 77% 26.
21. Yanine 59% 23.
22. Gabrielita 77% 27.
23. Rossmery 37% 21.
24. Andreita 22% 16.
25. Marisabel 26% 18.

Male forenames

NameUniqueness Prevalence rank
1. Jhonny 28% 1.
2. Limber 59% 2.
3. Iver 70% 3.
4. Limbert 54% 4.
5. Beymar 91% 12.
6. Jhoel 50% 6.
7. Remberto 45% 7.
8. Roly 32% 5.
9. Beimar 84% 13.
10. Carlitos 24% 8.
11. Adalid 29% 10.
12. Richar 24% 9.
13. Deymar 98% 22.
14. Yamil 23% 11.
15. Jhamil 80% 21.
16. Limberth 74% 19.
17. Erlan 42% 14.
18. Jhonn 48% 15.
19. Lorgio 50% 18.
20. Yerko 67% 24.
21. Wily 34% 17.
22. Deyvid 73% 26.
23. Yhonny 81% 33.
24. Edil 24% 16.
25. Bismar 25% 20.


NameUniqueness Prevalence rank
1. Mamani 33% 1.
2. Choque 53% 2.
3. Condori 33% 3.
4. Justiniano 48% 6.
5. Apaza 32% 4.
6. Colque 57% 8.
7. Soliz 56% 9.
8. Torrico 69% 11.
9. Villca 90% 13.
10. Torrez 24% 5.
11. Huanca 38% 7.
12. Quisbert 93% 19.
13. Ticona 36% 12.
14. Limachi 74% 18.
15. Zambrana 54% 16.
16. Callisaya 91% 20.
17. Chambi 38% 14.
18. Villarroel 21% 10.
19. Poma 27% 15.
20. Copa 61% 22.
21. Veizaga 88% 30.
22. Canaviri 92% 33.
23. Yujra 77% 29.
24. Ribera 45% 24.
25. Bolivia 90% 41.

Distinctive names in
the related** countries

Peru 67%
Panama 59%
Dominican Republic (the) 54%
Uruguay 53%
Nicaragua 53%
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 52%
Colombia 49%
Honduras 49%
Mexico 48%

*The rank of the unique name is the geometric average of the name uniqueness and the name prevalence in the respective country. Name uniqueness is measured only by the exact grapheme form (not taking into account transliterational equivalents or phonetic similarities).

** Country similarity is the correlation of the relative frequency of the names shared by two countries (as measured by cosine similarity).