Names distinctive to Guyana

The list of names unique to the Co-operative Republic of Guyana*

Female forenames

NameUniqueness Prevalence rank
1. Karee 63% 1.
2. Lael 63% 1.
3. Noeline 43% 1.

Male forenames

NameUniqueness Prevalence rank
1. Nanen 93% 2.
2. Brownie 78% 2.
3. Hamish 44% 1.
4. Zhenhui 100% 9.
5. Hanshendrik 100% 9.
6. Rajnil 100% 9.
7. Thehuu 100% 9.
8. Tokerau 100% 9.
9. Hiukwong 100% 9.
10. Zhiwu 100% 9.
11. Jianbo 99% 5.
12. Hallvard 96% 9.
13. Asora 95% 9.
14. Sinisa 85% 5.
15. Meiyappan 85% 9.
16. Talor 82% 9.
17. Led 49% 9.
18. Thane 38% 5.
19. Darek 38% 9.
20. Grahame 32% 4.
21. Sarabjit 31% 5.
22. Noyan 30% 9.
23. Sammuel 26% 9.
24. Pearse 24% 9.


NameUniqueness Prevalence rank
1. Livick 97% 1.
2. Rive 82% 2.
3. Tweedie 51% 2.
4. Decollation 100% 21.
5. Dapiere 100% 21.
6. Wikohika 100% 21.
7. Torckler 100% 21.
8. Pasene 100% 21.
9. Newzealand 100% 65.
10. Gradian 99% 21.
11. Goulakos 99% 21.
12. Kinchella 99% 21.
13. Ahwa 99% 21.
14. Circuitt 98% 21.
15. Dewsnip 97% 21.
16. Macfarquhar 97% 21.
17. Matsis 96% 21.
18. Srhoj 95% 21.
19. Kovachevich 94% 21.
20. Macshane 93% 21.
21. Kreymborg 93% 21.
22. Norriss 92% 5.
23. Rentoul 92% 21.
24. Leuchs 90% 21.
25. Csik 89% 12.

*The rank of the unique name is the geometric average of the name uniqueness and the name prevalence in the respective country. Name uniqueness is measured only by the exact grapheme form (not taking into account transliterational equivalents or phonetic similarities).

** Country similarity is the correlation of the relative frequency of the names shared by two countries (as measured by cosine similarity).