Names distinctive to El Salvador

The list of names unique to the Republic of El Salvador*

Female forenames

NameUniqueness Prevalence rank
1. Karlita 23% 1.

Male forenames

NameUniqueness Prevalence rank


NameUniqueness Prevalence rank
1. Menjivar 54% 3.
2. Quintanilla 23% 1.
3. Argueta 22% 2.
4. Alas 46% 5.
5. Melara 63% 8.
6. Iraheta 69% 10.
7. Guardado 27% 4.
8. Huezo 72% 17.
9. Jovel 59% 15.
10. Renderos 82% 19.
11. Villalta 28% 7.
12. Recinos 22% 6.
13. Landaverde 37% 11.
14. Chicas 43% 14.
15. Coreas 75% 24.
16. Sorto 33% 13.
17. Artiga 70% 25.
18. Mejía 22% 9.
19. Galdamez 29% 12.
20. Panameño 89% 31.
21. Mancia 32% 18.
22. Cañas 25% 16.
23. Monterrosa 37% 20.
24. Pleitez 69% 32.
25. Arévalo 32% 22.

Distinctive names in
the related** countries

Guatemala 43%
Panama 38%
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 36%
Dominican Republic (the) 33%
Honduras 32%
Puerto Rico 32%
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 29%
Nicaragua 28%
Colombia 28%

*The rank of the unique name is the geometric average of the name uniqueness and the name prevalence in the respective country. Name uniqueness is measured only by the exact grapheme form (not taking into account transliterational equivalents or phonetic similarities).

** Country similarity is the correlation of the relative frequency of the names shared by two countries (as measured by cosine similarity).